Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tool #6 Discussions Using Web Tools

I attended a GT in-service out of district in which the presenter mentioned "Edmodo" and I registered to use it then. He defined it as "Facebook" for you classroom. Something important that he stressed as necessary is to have "rules for posting" so the students understand how to post responses to each other. Click here to link to my edmodo.

I intend to use Edmodo in the classroom setting as a way to have students respond to readings, class discussions, and/or clarification.

I viewed "VoiceThread" and it reminded me somewhat of "Photostory" that I learned when I did the original Web 2.0 tools.

I really like "Backchanneling with Todays Meet" for the classroom because it is "Twitter" for the classroom so the teacher is still in control and can monitor what is being discussed. I especially like the fact that this can be viewed on the ActivBoard; this encourages the students to readily use the tool.

I can see using this tool for class discussions in Math, Reading, and Science. Posing a question and having students respond to the question and, as they become proficient in the use of this tool, respond to each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We need to stress what's appropriate in Facebook to our kids. So many of the 5th graders have a Facebook page and a lot of them are posting without thinking.