Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thing #21 Podcasts

I think that Audio Books are a great idea, especially during a long trip. Personally, at this point in my life, I would not use Audio Books because I enjoy reading too much. I do the majority of my reading by my bedside table light before I go to bed. This would not be a good time to “listen” to a book. Even though I don’t find that I would personally use Audio Books, I definitely think it’s a GREAT tool for the students. Many times, I have recommended to parents, that their child use a tape player to help them, or to check-out “books on tape” so that their child could track what’s being read aloud. This helps with fluency with young readers. I had a good time doing the photostory. It was very easy...the only thing I didn't want to spend time figuring out was downloading music. I think this is a great tool to use with students for any type of literature. Here is my photostory...

Unfortunately, I was not able to upload my photostory "Star Wars." Through reporting the problem I have discovered that Blogger posted on April 22, that have been experiencing problems with uploading videos and images.

Thing #23 Summary

1.What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I liked Wikis, Podcasts, Animotos, Trading Cards, Google Docs.
2.How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? This program has made me aware of things other than the usual software that I have used for years.
3.Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Google Docs was the most impressive for me. I like the idea of saving documents that can be accessible from anywhere.
4.What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? The class could probably review the “Things” in the classroom to make sure that they are being completed. I know that we are all adults and the responsibility is ultimately on me but to help with success, then this can help.
5.If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? If I had the time I would be delighted to participate in the program.
6.How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities? The experience was enthralling!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thing #19 Web 2.0 Award List

First off, I want to say that I am so surprised that there are 500 2.0 tools. I feel like I have been in a cave. I have always considered myself "up" on technology, but I am very humbled by web 2.0. From the award list I went into Care2 and it’s a great website. One right up my alley because I am very into recycling, eating health, helping with causes that help the unfortunate, and many other causes that are discussed in this site. There are many postings on different ways to help others and especially the environment. A great place to look for opinions that have your outlook. This would be a good site for students to conduct research projects. It's also a good site for librarians to tell Social Studies teachers about for their civic projects that they do every year.

Thing #22 Nings

The Texas School Librarians Ning intrigued me because not only does it allow me to connect with teachers but teachers in Texas. Because each state has its own guidelines connecting specifically with Texas teachers would be more of a benefit than just teachers in general because we have the curriculum in common. It could be used as a resource to better library and teaching techniques, giving me ideas on how to make the library/classroom better.

Thing #20 YouTube/Teacher Tube

I am not a big fan of YouTube because anyone with a camera can put anything they want on it, not necesarrily pertaining to what you need; but teacher tube is an excellent resource allowing pertinent videos only, rather than all videos on the face of the planet. The infinite amount of videos this gives us access to is phenomenal, it allows us to teach in new ways with new resources. The first video was tricky to find, to really use youtube you have to know what you are looking for already, or you have to sift through all those unwanted videos. TeacherTube is good for just searching and that search turning up valuable videos, rather than sifting.



Thing #18 Online Productivity Tools

I really like this because the opportunities are endless with these tools. Google Docs is a fantastic way to work from multiple computers without having to save a document each time to each computer, you always have an updated copy at your fingertips. Work no longer has to be saved to a jump drive or emailed to yourself, you can now just open up your google docs account and everything will be there. Another plus is not having to convert files between different computers (i.e. mac vs pc). This works like our district SAN folders.

Thing #14 Technorati

At this point in time I don't have much time to sit around and concern myself with 7000 blog posts. This would be a wonderful tool if I regularly read blogs, but right now, I don't. Other than this blog and all blogs related to it, I do not frequent very much. I dont see this as being practical for elementary school kids at all. This is more of a social or personal use item, good to know about but not very useful for me.

Thing #13 Tagging

This is just like cataloging a book, you add all the possible topics it could be found under so that the title appears in all these topics. I am definitely not seeing where this can really relate to the classroom, I can see where it can personally assist in web organization, but I really don't see it as a necessary tool for success.

Thing #12 Rollyo

To use this tool you have to pick the websites you want to search. So you would have to do a general search of some topic, type it in "google," perhaps, and from there, look for websites you want to use. If I took the time to set this up for the students it could be relatively valuable like a “firewall,” restricting their searches to only designated sites, but most schools already have a firewall, that almost works too well.

Thing #11 LibraryThing

I have so many personal books at home and my classroom books are my books as well. LibraryThing would be a great way for me to organize them all. I could even set it up books that students could view the books they are considering reading and review books they have read already. I found a particularly intresting group, Librarians who LibraryThing, which might give me an oppertunity to talk with other librarians about books and teaching ideas. Some other cool groups I might explore further are groups that share similar book titles and authors I have enjoyed reading and discussions or Blogs could be written up.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing #10 Online Image generator

When I was using flickr in Thing #5, I really liked the idea of creating trading cards using books students have read or even science topics. It wasn't difficult to choose the trading card maker. Students will be able to make and trade the cards as they read the books. Rewards could be given based on the number of trading cards collected.

Thing #9 Library Related Blogs

(1) Searching by topic was the easiest because you are bound to find something from the various blog search engines. (2) Google Blog was simple to use because it was just a search window and search button, the results are great, though not always relavant. (3) Topix was rather confusing; at first, I wasn't entirely sure what to do. I would rather search by Google Blog because it was just one search box. Sindic8 and Technorati were rather cluttered with unnecessary "stuff" making it confusing to me. (4) I found many useful teacher blogs where I could learn about various teaching styles and methods. (5) Many websites I already access are RSS feeds. Without even trying I was able to find a number of I know what "RSS" symbol in the corner stands for.

Thing #8 RSS Feeds

(1) I like this because I don't have to visit a lot of sites to get a lot of information. All the information I wanted was in one location. I don't have the luxury of time to read a lot of blogs but it allows me to keep up-to-date on what I do want to read. (2) Again, I don't have a lot of time at my disposal so this is a great tool that consolidates a lot of information, and I get to pick the information I am interested in reading about. It's valuable in classroom use because I can set up a classroom blog, connect it to my reader, and have instant updates anytime something is posted. (3) A librarian can check blogs for new ideas as well as set up multiple blogs and keep track of how each blog is running.

Thing #7 Cool Google Tools

The two tools that I found most useful, especially for teaching are Google Notebook and Google Scholar. Notebook allowed me to compile all my research rather than print entire articles and I created a database with all my relevant information. I could then make notes right on the articles. It is no longer necessary to have several browser windows open switching back and forth getting lost and frustrated looking for the information that I know I just saw. The collaboration feature is even better for working in groups. It allows instant and easy access to ALL the information from everyone. This would be extremely useful when students work in groups on research projects.

Google Scholar provides an excellent search resource with not a lot of effort. It weeds out the unnecessary psycho with a computer posting whatever they please. What was most impressive is not only did it provide websites but actual .pdf papers of a given subject, providing another dimension to the internet search engine. This would also be a great way for students to work effectively on research projects.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thing #6

Mashups - It was amazing to see the different that you could create combining Flickr with other applications. I particularly like the one where the photos were sorted by colors; really awesome. Looking at the "trading cards" in "mashups" gave me an idea where students could create a personal trading card about their favorite, and not-so-favorite, books to trade with other students.


Thing #5

What a great way to set up photo albums. As I was looking through "flikr" I was thinking of ALL the photos I have stored in plastic tubs in my closet as well as photos in drawers -- photo life will be so much easier placing/sharing photos online.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sandbox Posting...

Okay, I just played in the "Sandbox." I added an entry describing how I want to use Wikis in the classroom for literacy circle projects. I also mentioned that it would be a great idea for students to use Wikis to collaborate on the math Exemplars for problem solving. What a great way for students to see other's ways to solve problems. It would also be a great way for students to take notes, collaborate on SS topics, and study for tests.

Thing #16: Wikis

I found some good information that's going to help with my mid-term presentation, which happens to be Wikis. The two links I found most helpful were "Book Lovers Wiki," and "Sample Literacy Circle Wiki." Both of these Wikis helped me understand what we should include on the Wiki that we will be creating. We want to create a Wiki where students will have the opportunity to reflect on their reading and respond to other's reflections. The second Wiki I mentioned gave me some good insight on other Wikis I can create with my class where the students will focus on specific details while reading then create a written assignment.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing #4

OK, I have registered and I'm ready to PLAY.... This is great because I am already thinking of ways I can use it in my classroom: discussion board on a class chapter book, i.e. predictions, questions, commenting/answering questions with classmates. I believe this is a great way to help students increase critical thinking. I am EXCITED!!!!

Thing #3

Making my Avatar was fun. I had my kids, especially my daughter help me. Navigating through my blog this time to set up my Avatar was a bit easier. It's true that the more you do something the easier it becomes to do them. I'm excited about learning this new "Stuff." I have not looked at anyone else's Blog yet, so I haven't posed any questions or comments to others. That will be my next step after I complete "Thing #4."

Thing #2

The easiest habit for me is "Viewing Problems as Challenges." I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. It is up to us to learn from our situations. The most difficult habit for me is "Teaching and Mentoring Others," because I don't like to come across as a "know-it-all."