Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thing #19 Web 2.0 Award List

First off, I want to say that I am so surprised that there are 500 2.0 tools. I feel like I have been in a cave. I have always considered myself "up" on technology, but I am very humbled by web 2.0. From the award list I went into Care2 and it’s a great website. One right up my alley because I am very into recycling, eating health, helping with causes that help the unfortunate, and many other causes that are discussed in this site. There are many postings on different ways to help others and especially the environment. A great place to look for opinions that have your outlook. This would be a good site for students to conduct research projects. It's also a good site for librarians to tell Social Studies teachers about for their civic projects that they do every year.

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