Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tool #8 The Tools

I like the idea that we are not being constricted to just one platform (Dell/Mac). It's nice that, for the most part, we are able to interface the equipment.

As I have been working with "Tools" I use my laptop and my iPad. I have not used the iTouch but see it as a scaled down version of the iPad. I also haven't used the Notebook but I like the idea that it is web-based as is the iTouch and focus can be on research; hopefully we won't have problems with the network while working with the technology. It will be like having a small "computer" lab in the classroom. One group of students can focus on one thing with the other group of students focusing on something else.

I can see how use of all our technology is going to really prepare the students to use these tools appropriately. We all have to do our part and keep adding to their "database" each year. We also have to consider that, in some cases, the students are mover savvy than we are with the technology and use it to our advantage.

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